PINK BEE is entirely made in our studio. She is a worker bee in the truest sense. Wear her every day to signal your commitment to her wonderful cause. By raising funds and awareness, the proceeds from sales of PINK BEE are dedicated to the cure, treatment and prevention of breast cancer.
Flaunting her sparkly crystal wings, body and pearly eyes, she adds a fashionable and enchanting touch to any outfit. Set with Swarovski crystal and richly plated in 14K, she is 1.25" x 1.25"
Get a free bee for every dozen you purchase. Spread the message of love and healing. Gift them to women you care about. Each arrives in a velvet pouch.
Please inquire about bulk discounts for your own fundraising efforts on behalf of women's cancers.
Proceeds from sales directly benefit the research and medical services of these top rated charities: National Breast Cancer Foundation, The Rose, Lynn Sage Cancer Research and the Susan Love Foundation.
Bees are thought to symbolize women in accomplishing the near impossible. Their form doesn't seem to support the aerodynamics of their flight and their industriousness is incredible. Could that describe you or someone you admire?